Thursday, October 8, 2020

_WEEK 11_ (FYP1)


Activity: Final FYP 1 Briefing covering [FYP Proposal Defense Day (Tips & Tricks) and Submission of Progress Report & Proposal Report]

Generally, in this week, the final briefing was conducted via Microsoft Teams. Attendance of all FYP1 students is mandatory. They need to scan the QR code that has been provided and their attendance will be taken through Microsoft Team Attendance. The workshop was conducted by coordinator incharge, DR. PUNITHAVATHI M. THIRUNAVAKKARASU. 

Date: 07 Oct 2020

Time: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Via: Microsoft Teams

During the final briefing, the FYP coordinator have briefed us about:

Before the proposal defense presentation day:

  • Make sure everything well prepared.
  • Be confident and believe yourself.
  • Do not be defensive.
  • Dress properly.
  • Make Dua. 
  • Be on time.

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_WEEK 19_ (FYP2)

  Activity: Hardcover print & Complete Thesis Submission.      Generally, this was the final week for the progress report of my Final Ye...