Wednesday, July 22, 2020

_WEEK 1_ (FYP1)

 Activity: Selecting a Supervisor for FYP

In the first week, I list down the supervisor candidates that I would choose to guide me throughout my Final Year Project (FYP) completion. After that, I started collecting information about the candidates especially lecturers from the medical electronics department. Next, I contacted the lecturers through the WhatsApp's application to ask if they were still available to be my supervisor for FYP. After contacting them, I finally decided to choose Dr. Hasmiza Harun to be my Supervisor. By choosing her as my supervisor, it was very easy for me to contact her and discuss with her about my FYP progress week by week.

_WEEK 19_ (FYP2)

  Activity: Hardcover print & Complete Thesis Submission.      Generally, this was the final week for the progress report of my Final Ye...