Wednesday, August 12, 2020

_WEEK 4_ (FYP1)


   Activity: Research and Findings

    Day by day, the number of new cases of COVID-19 in Malaysia is increasing rapidly. Coronavirus 2 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) or more serious known as coronavirus (COVID-19) which is responsible for pandemics around the universe today is a contagious disease caused by a new strain found in Wuhan, China before December 2019. The first outbreak of COVID-19 in Malaysia was identified on 24 January 2020. Symptoms of severe COVID19 disease include shortness of breath, loss of appetite, confusion, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, high temperature above 38°C. 

    The main objective of this development is to study and build the design of wearable sensors and how they can be used to monitor PUI respiratory activity and air humidity exhaled by PUI. A person under investigation (PUI) refers to a person who may be in a place where there is an outbreak or has been in close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19. To achieve the target, the task of completing this project is simplified as below: 

  •  To monitor breathing activity of the PUI.

  • To display the PUI breathing activity on a smartphone via Blynk application.

_WEEK 19_ (FYP2)

  Activity: Hardcover print & Complete Thesis Submission.      Generally, this was the final week for the progress report of my Final Ye...