Friday, March 12, 2021

_WEEK 6_ (FYP2)

Activity: Combine Source Code for the E-mask. 

    Overall during this week, coding for Wi-Fi ESP8266 module is obtained and the adjustments is done appropriately to the project. Aside from that, the Blynk application necessitates code. The code is based on past work and assistance from seniors. The Blynk application has been successfully installed and is communicating with the controller. Moreover, the Blynk application is configured with the relevant buttons in accordance with the microcontroller. When I found all of the coding for this project, I attempted to integrate it all into one code. Several sections of the code are derived from Google and prior UniKL BMI Projects. The Blynk application is downloaded, and some study is conducted to better understand how it works. In a nutshell, the coding has been tested and works as required. The next step is to build a circuit on the breadboard to ensure that the project works properly.

The following is the source code that has been successfully compiled:

#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>  //In order to use DHT sensor we have to include this library first.

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial  //Defining the object Serial. 

//______________________Include Libraries___________________________

#include <DHT.h>  //Including the DHT11 library.

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>  //Including the ESP8266 Wi-Fi library in order to use them.

#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>  //Library for linking up Blynk with ESP8266.

#include <Wire.h>  //For using I2C connection of BMP180 in order to connect it to the board.

#include <Adafruit_BMP085.h>  //Including the library for BMP180.

Adafruit_BMP085 bmp;  //Defining the object BMP180.

#define I2C_SCL 12  //Connect SCL pin of BMP180 to GPIO12 (D6) of NodeMCU.

#define I2C_SDA 13  //Connect SDA pin of BMP180 to GPIO13 (D7) of NodeMCU.

float dst,bt,bp,ba;  //Declare float variable.

float h,t;  //Declare float variable.

float bpRef = 0;  //Declare float variable.

float hRef  = 0;  //Declare float variable.

int BreathCount = 0;  //Declare int variable.

int IntervalCount = 0;  //Declare int variable.

char dstmp[20],btmp[20],bprs[20],balt[20];  //Declare char variable.

bool bmp085_present = true;  //Declare Boolean variable.

bool BreathCountEn = false;  //Declare Boolean variable.

bool StartMeasureDone = false;  //Declare Boolean variable. 

char auth[] = "4rzRdKHPsOkrwM_560QzyzYvKrCRJLRi”.  

//Authentication Key will be there in the Blynk Application.

//_______________Mention the SSID and Password_____________________

char SSID[] = "MekLingg";  //SSID of my Wi-Fi hotspot.

char pass[] = "AzlinAnuar27";  //Password of my Wi-Fi.

int DHTErrorCnt = 0;  //Declare int variable.

#define DHTPIN 2  //Connect the DHT11 sensor's data pin to GPIO2 (D4) of NodeMCU.   

#define DHTTYPE DHT11  //Mention the type of sensor  which is DHT11.

DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE);  //Defining the pin and the DHT type.

BlynkTimer timer;  //Defining the object timer.

WidgetLCD lcd(V1);  //Defining the object LCD (V1).

void sendSensor()


//_______________Check the working of BMP180 sensor__________________        

 if (!bmp.begin())


              Serial.println("Could not find a valid BMP085 sensor, check wiring!");  //while (1) {}


//_________Getting the Humidity and temperature value from DHT11_________

h = dht.readHumidity();  //Get Humidity %.    

          t = dht.readTemperature();  //dht.readTemperature (true) for Fahrenheit.

//_________________Check the working of DHT11 sensor_____________

 if (isnan(h) || isnan(t))


              if(DHTErrorCnt++>10)  //If fail to read from DHT11,Send Debug message


               Serial.println ("Failed to read from DHT sensor!");

                DHTErrorCnt = 0;



//_________Reading the value of Pressure, Temperature, Altitude from the BMP180________

          float bp =  bmp.readPressure()/100;  //Division by 100 makes it in millibars.

          float ba =  bmp.readAltitude();

          float bt =  bmp.readTemperature();

          float dst = bmp.readSealevelPressure()/100;

      if(BreathCountEn == false)  //Before start measuring, get the reference pressure and Humidity 1st.


            bpRef += bp;

            hRef  += h;



       if(IntervalCount>=4 && BreathCountEn == false)  //Average the reference by 4 and enable the Breath count.


            bpRef /=4;

            hRef  /=4;

            BreathCountEn = true;


            lcd.print(5, 0, "E-Mask");  //Use: (position X:0-15, position Y:0-1,

"Message you want to print")

            lcd.print(5, 1, "Ready !"); 


          if(BreathCountEn && bp > bpRef)BreathCount+=1;  //If pressure reading > reference pressure, increase breath count by 1.

          if((BreathCount > 0 || h > hRef)&& StartMeasureDone == false)  //If Humidity reading > reference Humidity, start measuring.



         lcd.print(2, 0, "Measuring...");  //Use: (position X:0-15, position Y:0-1, "Message you want to print")

             lcd.print(2, 1, "Breath Count");

             StartMeasureDone = true;


 //_____Printing the values of the above read value on to the Virtual Pins in the Blynk App____

          Blynk.virtualWrite(V5 , h);  //Send Humidity to Blynk.

          Blynk.virtualWrite(V6 , t);  //Send Temperature to Blynk.

          Blynk.virtualWrite(V10, bp);  //Send Pressure to Blynk.

          Blynk.virtualWrite(V12, bt);  //Send Temperature to Blynk.

          Blynk.virtualWrite(V13, BreathCount);  //Send Breath Count to Blynk.

//______Printing the values of the above read value on Arduino Serial Terminal_____   

          Serial.print(bp); Serial.println("mbar");  

          Serial.print(bt); Serial.println("degrees C");

          Serial.print(h); Serial.println("% Humi");

          Serial.print(t); Serial.println("degrees C");

          Serial.print(BreathCount); Serial.println("Breath Count");

          Serial.print(bpRef); Serial.println("bp Ref"); 


void BreathRateInOneMin()


 Serial.print(BreathCount); Serial.println("Count");

 timer.setTimeout(60000, BreathRateInOneMin);

 if(BreathCount >=12 && BreathCount<=20)  //Breath count is considered Normal within 12 to 20 beats per minute.


  //Blynk.notify("Normal Breath");


  lcd.print(2, 0, "Normal Breath");  //Use: (position X:0-15, position Y:0-1, "Message you want to print")

  lcd.print(9, 1, BreathCount);


 else if(BreathCount> 20 || BreathCount < 12)  //Else breath count is considered Abnormal if >20 or <12 beats per minute.


  if(BreathCount == 0)  //Else if = 0, No Breath activity.


//Blynk.notify("No Breath Activity!");


  lcd.print(0, 0, "No Activity");  //Use: (position X:0-15, position Y:0-1,

"Message you want to print")

  lcd.print(9, 1, BreathCount);




    //Blynk.notify("Abnormal Breath!");


   lcd.print(0, 0, "Abnormal Breath!");  //Use: (position X:0-15, position Y:0-1, "Message you want to print")

   lcd.print(9, 1, BreathCount);

   Blynk.notify("Abnormal Breath !!!");



 BreathCount = 0;


void setup()


         Serial.begin(9600);  //Initializing the Serial Monitor with a Baud Rate of 9600.

          Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);  //Start Blynk Application.

          dht.begin();  //Initializing the DHT sensor.

          Wire.begin(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);  //Initializing the I2C connection. 

          delay(10);  //Delay 10ms to complete.

          lcd.clear();  //Use it to clear the LCD Widget.

          lcd.print(3, 0, "Diagnostic");  //Use: (position X:0-15, position Y:0-1, "Message you want to print")

        lcd.print(5, 1, "Test!");  //Please use timed events when LCD printing in void loop to avoid sending too many commands.

//It will cause a FLOOD Error, and connection will be dropped.

timer.setInterval(1000L, sendSensor);  //Interval 1 second to read sensors.

timer.setTimeout(60000, BreathRateInOneMin);  //Interval 1 minute to check Breath count.


void loop()

{;  //Continue run Blynk Application.;  //Continue run timer.


//Source code above is written by Norazlin binti Anuar for FYP2 project Semester Jan 2021.

//Program in Arduino IDE for “ E-mask for COVID-19: Person Under Investigation (PUI)”

_WEEK 19_ (FYP2)

  Activity: Hardcover print & Complete Thesis Submission.      Generally, this was the final week for the progress report of my Final Ye...