Wednesday, September 30, 2020

_WEEK 10_ (FYP1)


   Activity: Block Diagram & Flowchart.

    A block diagram is a specialized, high-level flowchart used in engineering. It is used to design new systems or to describe and improve existing ones. Its structure provides a high-level overview of major system components, key process participants, and important working relationships. Therefore, the main objective of process flow mapping is for organizations to gain an understanding of all the steps involved in a particular process. This also helps us imagine how each step works together with the other steps in the same process.


  • To identify the overall system of the project.

  • While researching about my project, I have come out this block diagram and flow chart as a preliminary guide for me to produce this project soon.

_WEEK 19_ (FYP2)

  Activity: Hardcover print & Complete Thesis Submission.      Generally, this was the final week for the progress report of my Final Ye...