Tuesday, November 17, 2020

_WEEK 17_ (FYP1)


Activity: Final Week for FYP1 Proposal Report and Progress Report Submission to FYP Supervisor

Basically nothing much throughout this week. The proposal report and progress report was submitted to Dr. Hasmiza on time. After the final submission, I continued on how to develop my project. From all the research that I have already made, I was trying to create the project. This blog will be continued on the next semester during Final Year Project (FYP2) and it will be totally about developing my project.

In nutshell, I am grateful to Allah S.W.T for the strength to complete my FYP1 successfully. And a lot of thanks to Dr. Hasmiza which helped me a lot and guided me to complete the whole task for FYP1 during this semester. I really hope this subject will help me to improve my knowledges about this project and also improve my current CGPA for this semester. Special THANKS to my beloved supervisor for helping me throughout the process. May Allah S.W.T bless all the knowledge and guidance given by Dr. Hasmiza to me.

Monday, November 9, 2020

_WEEK 16_ (FYP1)


Activity: Submit a complete draft of FYP Proposal Report to Supervisor for correction and do plagiarism checking.

Overall, during this week I have completed my FYP1 proposal report from Chapter 1 until Chapter 3. However, there are some things in Chapter 1 such as project background, problem statement and significant of project that I need to amend well. After amend all those things correctly, I send my report to my supervisor for her to check the percent of plagiarism whether it below 20% or not. Thank to Allah S.W.T, it is finally below 20% which is 14%. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

_WEEK 15_ (FYP1)


Activity: Do Research on Blynk Application

The software that I choose to develop this project is Blynk Application. Figure below shows the starting interface of the Blynk Application. Blynk is one of the platforms that is being used by iOS and Android OS to control Arduino, NodeMCU, Raspberry Pi and several other boards over the internet. It was designed for the Internet of Things and can control the hardware by remotely. Blynk also can store data, show sensor data, visualize it and do several other things.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

_WEEK 14_ (FYP1)


Activity: Choose the most appropriate SENSOR

During the presentation on the 12th week, one of my evaluators, Dr. Muhammad Noor, gave me an idea to use the pressure and humidity sensors that usually use in the ventilator. Since the function of my project is to monitor the respiratory activity of the PUIs and the air humidity they exhaled seems to be similar to the function of sensors found in the ventilator. So, I decided to use the same sensor to create my E-mask so that my project will function well.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

_WEEK 13_ (FYP1)

Activity: Circuit Diagram & Sketch of Project

Referring to figure below, it shows the circuit diagram of the parts of the project. In this circuit diagram, the pressure and humidity sensors are connected according to the correct point on the Arduino UNO. Next, the Bluetooth module HC-05 has also been connected to the microcontroller. Based on the diagram above, this is a circuit diagram made throughout this semester. A more detailed circuit implementation is required in completing this project for the construction of the prototype to be made. However, this is the result of a project circuit diagram.

Based on the project sketch, the N95 mask has been selected to be used to produce this e-mask. This is because this mask is one of the best masks among other masks. Both sensors are mounted on the PUI e-mask so that respiration rate and air humidity exhaled can be measured. Stretchable fabric will be used to connect the e-mask with the box containing other components such as microcontroller Arduino UNO, HC-05 Bluetooth module and battery. The stretchable fabric has been chosen so that PUI is comfortable to wear and also the e mask is produced to suit the wearer's head size.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

_WEEK 12_ (FYP1)


Activity: FYP1 Proposal Defense Day Semester July 2020

The presentation started at 9:30 am via Microsoft Teams. The assessors that assessed me were Dr. Muhammad Noor bin Nordin (MNN) and Sir Zarimin bin Zaharudin (ZRZ) . Both lecturers are from the Medical Engineering Technology Section. The whole presentation went smoothly. Thanks to Allah S.W.T.

Information about assessors:  

The slide that I have prepared for the presentation: 

In conclusion, after the presentation, I think should improve my project to be better in the future and can benefit the community much better. I must improve certain parts  in the proposal report as recommended by both assessors.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

_WEEK 11_ (FYP1)


Activity: Final FYP 1 Briefing covering [FYP Proposal Defense Day (Tips & Tricks) and Submission of Progress Report & Proposal Report]

Generally, in this week, the final briefing was conducted via Microsoft Teams. Attendance of all FYP1 students is mandatory. They need to scan the QR code that has been provided and their attendance will be taken through Microsoft Team Attendance. The workshop was conducted by coordinator incharge, DR. PUNITHAVATHI M. THIRUNAVAKKARASU. 

Date: 07 Oct 2020

Time: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Via: Microsoft Teams

During the final briefing, the FYP coordinator have briefed us about:

Before the proposal defense presentation day:

  • Make sure everything well prepared.
  • Be confident and believe yourself.
  • Do not be defensive.
  • Dress properly.
  • Make Dua. 
  • Be on time.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

_WEEK 10_ (FYP1)


   Activity: Block Diagram & Flowchart.

    A block diagram is a specialized, high-level flowchart used in engineering. It is used to design new systems or to describe and improve existing ones. Its structure provides a high-level overview of major system components, key process participants, and important working relationships. Therefore, the main objective of process flow mapping is for organizations to gain an understanding of all the steps involved in a particular process. This also helps us imagine how each step works together with the other steps in the same process.


  • To identify the overall system of the project.

  • While researching about my project, I have come out this block diagram and flow chart as a preliminary guide for me to produce this project soon.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

_WEEK 9_ (FYP1)


Activity: Workshop on Methodology (Chapter 3), Preliminary Result (Chapter 4) & Abstract Writing

Generally, in this week, the workshop was conducted via Microsoft Teams. Attendance of all FYP1 students is mandatory. They need to scan the QR code that has been provided and their attendance will be taken through Microsoft Team Attendance. The workshop was conducted by coordinator incharge, DR. PUNITHAVATHI M. THIRUNAVAKKARASU. 

Date: 23 Sept 2020

Time: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Via: Microsoft Teams

During the workshop, the FYP coordinator have briefed us about:

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

_WEEK 8_ (FYP1)


 Activity: Preparing Slides for Proposal Defense

  • To complete and prepare the slideshow for the proposal defense presentation.
  • To make and design a good slideshow for assessor to easily understood about the project.


In this time, I must be preparing the slides and understanding of my project. The slides need to be 8-15 slides. Only 10 mins provided for student to present their slides. The slide should consist of Introduction, Objectives, Problem statement, Scope and limitation, Literature review, Methodology, Sketch of project and Expected Result.


Slideshows must be easy for the assessor to understand.

Friday, September 4, 2020

_WEEK 7_ (FYP1)


Activity: Workshop on Introduction (Chapter 1) and Literature Review (Chapter 2) Writing

    In this week, the workshop was conducted via Microsoft Teams. Attendance of all FYP1 students is mandatory. They need to scan the QR code that has been provided and their attendance will be taken through Microsoft Team Attendance. The workshop was conducted by coordinator incharge, DR. PUNITHAVATHI M. THIRUNAVAKKARASU. 

Date: 02 Sept 2020

Time: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Via: Microsoft Teams

During the workshop, the FYP coordinator have briefed us about:

  • Introduction (Chapter 1) and Literature Review (Chapter 2).
  • Write technical recommendations. (Basically comes out with 6 subpoints or more including a summary chapter depending on the chapter).

For the Workshop Outcomes, at the end of this workshop, students will be able to:
  • Understand the significance of writing a good technical proposal for FYP 1.
  • Understand the correct ways of writing a solid introduction and literature review chapters in the technical proposal.
  • Write these two chapters with good writing skills.
  • Submit the draft of these two chapters early to supervisor for her review and comment.

Here is a link to the correct report templates:

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

_WEEK 6_ (FYP1)


Activity: Do research on ARDUINO

Objective :

To identify the suitable type of Arduino used for this project.

Content :

Arduino is an open-source platform used for building electronics projects. Arduino consists of both a physical programmable circuit board (often referred to as a microcontroller) and a piece of software, or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that runs on your computer, used to write and upload computer code to the physical board.  Additionally, the Arduino IDE uses a simplified version of C++, making it easier to learn to program. Finally, Arduino provides a standard form factor that breaks out the functions of the micro-controller into a more accessible package.

Types of Arduino:

1. Arduino UNO

The Uno is a great choice for your first Arduino. It’s got everything you need to get started, and nothing you don’t. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a USB connection, a power jack, a reset button and more. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.

2. Arduino Mega (R3)

The Arduino Mega is like the UNO’s big brother. It has lots (54!) of digital input/output pins (14 can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, a USB connection, a power jack, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. A large number of pins make this board very handy for projects that require a bunch of digital inputs or outputs (like lots of LEDs or buttons).

3. LilyPad Arduino

This is LilyPad Arduino main board! LilyPad is a wearable e-textile technology developed by Leah Buechley and cooperatively designed by Leah and SparkFun. Each LilyPad was creatively designed with large connecting pads and a flat back to allow them to be sewn into clothing with conductive thread. The LilyPad also has its own family of input, output, power, and sensor boards that are also built specifically for e-textiles. They’re even washable.

4. Arduino Leonardo

The Leonardo is Arduino’s first development board to use one microcontroller with built-in USB. This means that it can be cheaper and simpler. Also, because the board is handling USB directly, code libraries are available which allow the board to emulate a computer keyboard, mouse, and more.


Based on the research that I have made, Arduino UNO is the most suitable choice for my project. That produces it a magnificent choice for this framework structure. 

Friday, August 21, 2020

_WEEK 5_ (FYP1)


  Activity: Final week for FYP Supervisor and Title Registration via FYP UniKL BMI Website

    Basically, I have decided to make a prototype project. After discussing with my Supervisor, some amendments related to the title. Dr. Hasmiza suggested doing more research about those who really need that E-mask. She also suggested that the E-mask only design for those who undergo Home Surveillance Order (HSO). After the discussion, Dr. Hasmiza asked me to come out with my own synopsis so that the project could be posted on the FYP UniKL BMI website.

Title for the project:


The synopsis of the project:

  • Development of electronic mask for COVID 19 (PUI) under self quarantine at home to monitor their respiration rate.

The information below about my FYP project is available on the FYP UniKL BMI website after Dr. Hasmiza registered the title of my project and the Head Section (HoS) approved it. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

_WEEK 4_ (FYP1)


   Activity: Research and Findings

    Day by day, the number of new cases of COVID-19 in Malaysia is increasing rapidly. Coronavirus 2 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) or more serious known as coronavirus (COVID-19) which is responsible for pandemics around the universe today is a contagious disease caused by a new strain found in Wuhan, China before December 2019. The first outbreak of COVID-19 in Malaysia was identified on 24 January 2020. Symptoms of severe COVID19 disease include shortness of breath, loss of appetite, confusion, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, high temperature above 38°C. 

    The main objective of this development is to study and build the design of wearable sensors and how they can be used to monitor PUI respiratory activity and air humidity exhaled by PUI. A person under investigation (PUI) refers to a person who may be in a place where there is an outbreak or has been in close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19. To achieve the target, the task of completing this project is simplified as below: 

  •  To monitor breathing activity of the PUI.

  • To display the PUI breathing activity on a smartphone via Blynk application.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

_WEEK 3_ (FYP1)


Activity: Introductory FYP1 Briefing 

    This week is the 3rd week for FYP1. This briefing was conducted via Microsoft Teams. Attendance of all FYP1 students is mandatory. They need to scan the QR code that has been provided and their attendance will be taken through Microsoft Team Attendance. The briefing was conducted by Dr Zuhanis Mansor Head of Research & Innovation Section/Senior Lecturer.

Date: 05 Aug 2020

Time: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Via: Microsoft Teams 

In this briefing, the FYP committees have briefed us about: 

  • Code of subject FYP1 (BPB 49804) must be correct.
  • Students must make confirmation on FYP1 supervisor and register their project title by week 5.
  • Evaluation should be done for FYP 1 which is a progress report (log book / blog), presentation, and project proposal.
  • FYP activities for this semester.

Students are required to choose the project title carefully. Sometimes it depends on the students coming out with their own ideas. But sometimes students can choose the title offered by the lecturer (FYP Supervisor). For the title of my project, it is a combination of my ideas and also Dr. Hasmiza Harun. 

_WEEK 19_ (FYP2)

  Activity: Hardcover print & Complete Thesis Submission.      Generally, this was the final week for the progress report of my Final Ye...